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S4 Ep 6 - Banking on Farming

Season 4

As a fifth-generation grain grower from north-east Victoria, James Russell has a lot of hands-on experience. Despite that, furthering his formal education has helped him take his farm and career to the next level. He’s recently finished a dual degree in agribusiness and farm management and also ventured into the corporate banking sector. As the worlds of farming and banking collide, James has plenty of insights. He uses his skills to advocate for other growers and to expand his own operation to include fascinating elements of seed production like seed cleaning . To learn more about his unconventional career path, James Russell from Lilliput Ag, joins us to discuss:

  • James’ favourite place on the farm is the only hilltop on the property.

  • His family has been in the business for a long time and he shares a little about his childhood growing up on the land.

  • James’ dedication to the sector was recently recognised when he graduated from the Australian Grain Leaders Program.

  • He completed dual degrees in Agribusiness and Farm Production, with the support of his family.

  • How his education has helped him today, and the backing he needed to question the way things are done on the farm.

  • James’ advocacy work for GrainGrowers, as well as being a member of the National Farmers Federation.

  • The concept of seed cleaning, and how things have changed in the business over generations.

  • How seed cleaning became an expansion of the original operation.

  • Succession planning and the role James’ grandfather played in this area.

  • James’ family farm is truly a mixed farming business.

  • Their family shearing shed is close to town, meaning they have dealt with activists, and James’ response to these challenges.

  • What James loves most about the land and this way of life.

  • The biggest misconception about where our food and fibre come from.

  • James’ ultimate dream for the future.


We hope to see you back on the road soon, to learn more about how Australia grows on the next episode of Australian Farmers with Angie Asimus.








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